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2024-02-29 12:32:42

I’ll be very honest. I am feeling multiple sides to this.
On the one hand I’m very glad to know there are people who support me and the trans community. Great job on realising the trans person might not be up for someone coming up to them.
On the other hand, I don’t always want to be clocked as being trans. Sometimes I just want someone to see me as Jae and not as me being trans. Sometimes having someone notice I’m trans is actually hard to deal with.
2024-04-28 02:21:42

I was about 6 years old when I figured out how to whistle. Don’t recall why, or how long I’d been trying, just the moment it happened. I was so proud, I went immediately into my parents’ bedroom and whistled loudly at my father’s face. Maybe 6am. On a Sunday. He was not best pleased, my dad. I could tell that right away. I think I whistle today because of what happened next, which I don’t remember. Just a feeling, I guess. It was a while before I whistled again.
2024-03-30 02:18:05

the mental state diff between
"I can't even be bothered to do dishes / my apartment is a mess of trash and laundry, I haven't kept up with journaling/calendars/inboxes"
"I just cleaned everything from top to bottom and I know what's going on for the next month"
it's such a nice feeling to have a clean workstation
and I know it's hard to monitor or prevent the bipolar-ness of it besides journaling
sometimes it feels like I'm not on top of stuff, or the pace is wrong, but other times the pace feels slow
feelin' better, but "how unkempt is the apartment" is a weird two-way street to my mood...
2024-02-29 15:31:34

I’ve always wanted someone to tell me I autocomplete them.
(That feeling when someone makes a Node package with your name. Hey, at least it’s not a German petroleum company…)

Screenshot of a package called aral on

aral autocomplete [SHELL]
display autocomplete installation instructions

  $ aral autocomplete [SHELL]

  SHELL  shell type

  -r, --refresh-cache  Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)

  $ aral autocomplete
  $ aral autocomplete bash
  $ aral autocomplete zsh
  $ aral autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete

aral config
  $ aral config
See code: src/commands/config.ts…
2024-02-29 04:52:32

Well…it finally happened…
after teaching beginning photography for over 15 years, I finally did it.
I taught a SHIT class tonight. 😢
I was all out of sorts, my computer didn't want to show the slides properly, I couldn't keep my thoughts straight, it felt like I was unprepared…
Ugh...what an awful feeling…
2024-04-30 03:14:53

Whittled down the list of people I’m following. With no algorithm in the fediverse that shows me what it thinks I should be interested in, I better pick myself how I fill my feed.
2024-01-30 09:25:58

Feeling a bit bruised this morning. Went food shopping with C last night and she was critical of the foods I was purchasing, and of the fact that I don’t have a meal plan or shopping list. I know I’m not great with food and I really struggle with getting my kids to eat healthily. She also keeps talking about her fancy car and all of its impressive features. This all feels like an ‘I’m better than you’ attack and it’s getting me down. There’s lots of micro aggression 😔
2024-04-30 03:14:53

Whittled down the list of people I’m following. With no algorithm in the fediverse that shows me what it thinks I should be interested in, I better pick myself how I fill my feed.
2024-01-30 09:25:58

Feeling a bit bruised this morning. Went food shopping with C last night and she was critical of the foods I was purchasing, and of the fact that I don’t have a meal plan or shopping list. I know I’m not great with food and I really struggle with getting my kids to eat healthily. She also keeps talking about her fancy car and all of its impressive features. This all feels like an ‘I’m better than you’ attack and it’s getting me down. There’s lots of micro aggression 😔